Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (2024)

14 Nov 13

Looking for Thanksgiving side dish recipes? I think you've come to the right place.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (1)

Happy Monday everyone! There's only 3 days left until Thanksgiving. I'm sure most of you already have your menu planned out, but just in case I wanted to share a list of some of our favorite holiday side dishes.I know the turkey is usually the star of the show at Thanksgiving, but for me it's all about the sides!

That turkey would be awful lonely without a table full of sides, potatoes, gravy and rolls. My family pretty much prefers the same thing every year, so we don't get too creative, but if you're looking for something there's definitely something here for everyone to enjoy.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (2)

* Crunchy Sweet Potato Casserole - Oh goodness this is my favorite way to enjoy sweet potatoes. This casserole is always a huge hit and everyone asks for the recipe before heading home. This recipe can be prepared, assembled and frozen (unbaked) ahead of time. Just remove from the freezer, thaw and bake.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (3)

* Ma Maw's Country Cornbread Dressing-Thanksgiving just isn't Thanksgiving without Ma Maw's Butlers homemade cornbread dressing. I love this dressing as much as I love her. I sure do miss Ma Maw, and I think of her every time I make this dressing. This recipe can also be prepared and frozen ahead of time. Just freeze unbaked.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (4)

All the flavors of Traditional Cornbread Dressing with the addition of chicken, layered in your slow cooker. This something I make when we serve ham, so if you're not making a turkey this would be perfect.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (5)

Simple Ooey-gooey 3 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese made quickly and easily in the Instant Pot.Mac and cheese has to be my favorite Instant Pot recipe. It's so simple to make and so creamy.I highly recommend using chicken broth versus water in this recipe. I feel that the chicken broth gives the pasta such a great flavor. Thisrecipe makes a large amount, so you'll end up with plenty of leftovers which reheat nicely.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (6)

- This mac & cheese recipe is very easy to make and prepared right on the stove (oven space saver). If you're looking for a easy creamy macaroni and cheese I suggest this one.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (7)

This Hash Brown Casserole pairs perfectly with any holiday meal, ham (or sausage) and saves precious oven space by cooking it in your Crock Pot.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (8)

Cheesy Au Gratin Potatoes - This recipe uses fresh potatoes a basic white sauce and Velveeta cheese. This dish pairs wonderfully with ham.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (9)

Honey Glazed Potatoes : re small potatoes that have been steamed and then sauteed in a delicious honey - butter sauce until the potatoes are coated with a sticky, caramelized glaze.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (10)

-This recipe comes from my late step mother in law, Louise. I had this green bean dish years ago at her Thanksgiving dinner and I've been making it ever since. Some of my favorite recipes are from family members that have passed on. I still think of them every time I prepare and eat these wonderful dishes. They're definitely a gift.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (11)

Brown Sugar Glazed Carrots-Fresh steamed carrots that are sauteed in a butter sauce with brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Another family recipe from my mother in law.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (12)

Southern Skillet Fried Corn: A sweet and savory skillet style corn made from fresh corn, cut off the cob and sauteed in a cast iron skillet with bacon grease, butter and seasoning.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (13)

An old fashioned down home green beans side dish, cooked with new potatoes, bacon, onions, chicken broth and seasonings.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (14)

-Acorn Squash is a winter squash, but baking it with brown sugar, honey and butter reminds me of the flavors of Fall!!!

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (15)

Corn Casserole-is popular side dish in the south and always on our holiday table. It's made with a corn muffin mix, creamed corn, whole kernel corn, sour cream and cheese. You can also use a jalapeno corn bread mix if you want to add a little heat.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (16)

Cranberry Orange Sauce-Cranberry Sauce is a must at Thanksgiving and this is my favorite recipe. This sauce combines the flavors or fresh cranberries and orange juice.This sauce can also be prepared days in advance and stored in a air tight container in the refrigerator.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (17)

Skillet Fried Cinnamon Apples- Sliced apples that are cooked in a cast iron skillet with butter, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar.Southern Fried Apples are a simple, down home side dish that pair perfectly with any country meal or breakfast.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (18)

Fluffy Fruit Salad: A family favorite, fruit salad recipe made with fresh cream, pineapple, mandarin oranges, grapes, apples, strawberries, maraschino cherries, sliced bananas and marshmallows.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (19)

Pineapple Fluff : is a light and fluffy pineapple dessert salad perfect for holidays, get-togehers, potlucks or summer cookouts.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (20)

Fluffy Ambrosia Fruit Salad:with pineapple, mandarin oranges, grapes, apples, toasted pecans, marshmallows and coconut folded into plain yogurt and whipped topping.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (21)

This Vintage Peach Jell-O Fluff is a light and fluffyPeach Fluff Salad, made with just 6 ingredients. This dessert salad isthe perfect make-ahead dessert for summer cookout's, potlucks, holidays and get-together's!

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (22)

In the south a holiday just isn't a holiday without a Jell-O fluff salad. There are so many variations and everyone always says theirs is the best!!! This recipe for Strawberry Jell-O Salad is made with strawberry Jell-O, crushed pineapple, mini marshmallows, pecans (optional) and fresh cream.🍓

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (23)

1 Hour Dinner Rolls:How to make buttery, soft and fluffy dinner rolls in about an hour! Brush with melted butter, honey butter or cinnamon butter just before serving.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (24)

Cake Mix Dinner Rolls: Soft, fluffy dinner yeast rolls that start with a store bought cake mix!This recipe is very versatile and can be used to make homemade cinnamon rolls as well.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (25)

Make your own Legendary Lion House Rolls from the Lion House Pantry in Salt Lake City, UT. These rolls are perfect for any holiday or get together.

Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.