MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2024)

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (1)


CLASS: Explorer
JOB SKILLS: 1st Job2nd Job3rd Job4th JobHyper Skills

MapleStory M Explorer Thief Shadower – Critical Growth! Every hit increases Crit Rate! The Shadower is an intrepid, melee-focused Explorer who uses Mesos to pull off tricky attack and defense skills.

Shadower 1st Job Skills

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2) Double Stab (Active)
Quickly stab the target twice.
Level 1: MP Cost: 6, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 3, Hit Count: 2, Skill DMG: 70%
Level 10: MP Cost: 38, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 3, Hit Count: 2, Skill DMG: 98%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (3) Dark Sight (Buff)
Temporarily hide in the shadows to avoid all attacks. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 0, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 4s
Level 5: MP Cost: 0, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 10s

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (4) Haste (Buff)
Temporarily increase your SPD. Cannot be used during auto-battle. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 0, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, SPD Increase: 4%
Level 5: MP Cost: 0, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800s, SPD Increase: 20%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (5) Maple Tree Festival (Passive)
Receive the blessings of the Maple Tree to activate ability.
– PHY ATK Increase (Physical Attack Increase): 3.5%
– PHY DEF Increase (Physical Defense Increase): 3.5%
– MAG ATK Increase (Magic Attack Increase): 3.5%
– MAG DEF Increase (Magic Defense Increase): 3.5%
– EVD (Evade): 3.5%
– KBK RES (Knockback Resistance): 2
– CRIT Rate (Critical Rate): 4.5%
– CRIT DMG (Critical Damage): 2%
– EXP Increase (Experience Increase): 2%
– SPD Increase (Speed Increase): 3.5%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (6) Flash Jump (Passive)
Triple Jump to reach even greater heights. Tap up while in the air to jump a second and third time. Jumping distance increases as skill level arises.
Level 1: Jump Charge Speed: 400
Level 5: Jump Charge Speed: 480

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (7) Nimble Body (Passive)
Take tips from a thief and learn to move with more dexterity.
Level 1: ACC: 0.4%, EVD: 1.2%, Crit Rate: 0.4%
Level 5: ACC: 2%, EVD: 6%, Crit Rate: 2%

Everything maxed.
0. All 1st Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Level 10
1. Haste (MAX)
2. Flash Jump (MAX)
3. Nimble Body (MAX)
4. Double Stab (MAX)
5. Dark Sight (MAX)

Shadower 2nd Job Skills

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (8) Savage Blow (Active)
Attack the target multiple times at a very high speed.
Level 1: MP Cost: 48, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 3, Skill DMG: 57.6%
Level 10: MP Cost: 86, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 3, Skill DMG: 83.8%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (9) Steal (Active)
Quickly approach an enemy and steal an item. You can only steal once, and you cannot steal from boss monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 44, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 172.6%, Potion Steal Chance: 20%
Level 10: MP Cost: 79, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 251.4%, Potion Steal Chance: 20%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (10) Meso Guard (Buff)
Consume up to 500 Mesos at a time to decrease a set amount of damage. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 46, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: Unlimited, Incoming DMG Decrease: 10%, Meso Consumption 1%
Level 5: MP Cost: 72, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: Unlimited, Incoming DMG Decrease: 50%, Meso Consumption 1%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (11) Dagger Booster (Buff)
Temporarily increase your weapon’s ATK SPD. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 44, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s
Level 5: MP Cost: 70, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800s

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (12) Critical Growth (Passive)
Has a chance of increasing Crit DMG when attacking.
Level 1: Activation Chance: 10%, Duration: 10s, Crit DMG: 3.5%
Level 5: Activation Chance: 20%, Duration: 10s, Crit DMG: 17.5%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (13) Channel Karma (Passive)
Train your mind, increasing your DEF.
Level 1: PHY DEF Increase: 1.8%, MAG DEF Increase: 1.8%
Level 5: PHY DEF Increase: 9%, MAG DEF Increase: 9%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (14) Dagger Mastery (Passive)
Master the way of daggers, increasing your ATK.
Level 1: PHY ATK Increase: 1.8%
Level 5: PHY ATK Increase: 9%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (15) Physical Training (Passive)
Undergo intense physical training, permanently raising your Recovery.
Level 1: HP Recovery Increase: 21, MP Increase: 9, Crit DMG RES: 2%
Level 5: HP Recovery Increase: 55, MP Increase: 22, Crit DMG RES: 10%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (16) Shield Mastery (Passive)
Decrease all DMG you take.
Level 1: PHY DMG Decrease: 1.6%, MAG DMG Decrease: 1.6%
Level 5: PHY DMG Decrease: 8%, MAG DMG Decrease: 8%

Everything maxed.
0. All 1st Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Level 30
1. Dagger Mastery (MAX)
2. Critical Growth (MAX)
3. Physical Training (MAX)
4. Steal (MAX)
5. Savage Blow (MAX)
6. Meso Guard (MAX)
7. Channel Karma (MAX)
8. Shield Mastery (MAX)
9. Dagger Booster (MAX)

Shadower 3rd Job Skills

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (17) Phase Dash (Active)
Approach enemies at a breakneck speed, damaging and pushing them.
Level 1: MP Cost: 90, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 2, Skill DMG: 139.3%
Level 10: MP Cost: 134, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 2, Skill DMG: 175%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (18) Midnight Carnival (Active)
Slash a dagger at the speed of sound, slicing the most front enemy.
Level 1: MP Cost: 90, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 7, Skill DMG: 39.8%
Level 10: MP Cost: 134, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 7, Skill DMG: 50%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (19) Meso Explosion (Active)
Attack surrounding enemies by tossing Dagger Mesos. Damage increases as more Mesos drop.
Level 1: MP Cost: 90, Cooldown: 2s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 1, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 80.6%
Level 10: MP Cost: 134, Cooldown: 2s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 1, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 101.2%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (20) Dark Flare (Active)
Temporarily summon the Dark Lord’s windmill throwing knife, negating almost all protections.
Level 1: MP Cost: 90, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 3, Skill DMG: 35.8%, Duration: 30s
Level 5: MP Cost: 121, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 3, Skill DMG: 42.3%, Duration: 30s

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (21) Into Darkness (Active)
Fly to the furthest enemy within range and use Dark Sight. Shares Dark Sight’s cooldown. Cannot be used during auto-battle. Max Level is 1.
Level 1: MP Cost: 83, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Opponent.

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (22) Shadow Partner (Buff)
Summon a shadow clone that mimics your movement. The twin does not have HP and disappears after a short time. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 90, Cooldown: 20s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 300s, Clone DMG: 5%
Level 5: MP Cost: 121, Cooldown: 20s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 300s, Clone DMG: 30%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (23) Pick Pocket (Buff)
Dagger Mesos drop close by when attacking monsters or when hit. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 91, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, Duration: 15s, Max Creation Count: 15
Level 5: MP Cost: 122, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800, Duration: 15s, Max Creation Count: 15

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (24) Gustav (Passive)
Increases Meso Acquisition.
Level 1: Meso Acquisition Increase: 0.8%
Level 5: Meso Acquisition Increase: 4%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (25) Venom (Passive)
Permanently coats your dagger with poison. Poison does not stack and cannot drop the target’s HP below 1.
Level 1: Cooldown: 0s, Activation Chance: 10%, Skill DMG: 23.3%, Duration: 8s
Level 5: Cooldown: 0s, Activation Chance: 20%, Skill DMG: 27.7%, Duration: 8s

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (26) Enveloping Darkness (Passive)
Become one with the darkness to increase your Max HP and Max MP.
Level 1: Max HP: 4%, Max MP: 2%
Level 5: Max HP: 20%, Max MP: 10%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (27) Advanced Dark Sight (Passive)
Permanently increases Dark Sight duration.
Level 1: Duration Increase: 0.5s
Level 5: Duration Increase: 3s

Everything maxed.
0. All 1st Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Level 60
1. Phase Dash (MAX)
2. Shadow Partner (MAX)
3. Pick Pocket (MAX)
4. Meso Explosion (MAX)
5. Enveloping Darkness (MAX)
6. Gustav (MAX)
7. Venom (MAX)
8. Midnight Carnival (MAX)
9. Dark Flare (MAX)
10. Advanced Dark Sight (MAX)

Shadower 4th Job Skills

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (28) Assassinate (Active)
Deal a powerful strike fueled by the darkness. Tap the skill again to activate a Final Blow. This will deal 20% increased skill damage, increasing to 30% if 3 kill points are consumed.
Level 1: MP Cost: 146, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 1, Hit Count: 4, Skill DMG: 168.8%
Level 10: MP Cost: 146, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 1, Hit Count: 4, Skill DMG: 168.8%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (29) Sudden Raid (Active)
Call in a hidden gang of thieves to set the area on fire.
Level 1: MP Cost: 81, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 30, Hit Count: 3, Skill DMG: 96.2%
Level 10: MP Cost: 81, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 30, Hit Count: 3, Skill DMG: 96.2%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (30) Boomerang Stab (Active)
Slash multiple enemies at a high speed.
Level 1: MP Cost: 135, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 7, Hit Count: 4, Skill DMG: 134.2%
Level 10: MP Cost: 135, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 7, Hit Count: 4, Skill DMG: 134.2%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (31) Smokescreen (Active)
Increase Crit DMG to monsters within the Smokescreen.
Level 1: MP Cost: 83, Cooldown: 40s, Duration: 20s, Crit DMG RES: -3%
Level 5: MP Cost: 83, Cooldown: 40s, Duration: 20s, Crit DMG RES: -3%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (32) Shadower Instinct (Buff)
Has a chance of earning kill points when hitting a monster. Kill points can be stacked up to 3 times. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 86, Cooldown: 20s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, Activation Chance: 50%, PHY ATK Increase: 4%
Level 5: MP Cost: 86, Cooldown: 20s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, Activation Chance: 50%, PHY ATK Increase: 4%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (33) Shadow Shifter (Buff)
Temporarily turn into a wooden doll and evade all attacks. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 87, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 4s, PHY DMG Increase: 1.2%
Level 5: MP Cost: 87, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 4s, PHY DMG Increase: 1.2%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (34) Prime Critical (Passive)
Permanently increase Crit Rate and Crit ATK RES.
Level 1: Crit Rate: 0.4%, Crit RES: 0.4%
Level 5: Crit Rate: 2%, Crit RES: 2%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (35) Toxic Venom (Passive)
Increases the activation chance and damage of Venom.
Level 1: Cooldown: 0s, Additional Activation Chance: 10%, Skill DMG: 24.4%
Level 5: Cooldown: 0s, Additional Activation Chance: 10%, Skill DMG: 24.4%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (36) Dagger Expert (Passive)
Master the way of daggers, increasing DMG to bosses.
Level 1: Crit DMG: 1.5%, Boss ATK Increase: 0.8%, Player ATK Increase: 0.8%
Level 5: Crit DMG: 7.5%, Boss ATK Increase: 4%, Player ATK Increase: 4%

Everything maxed.
0. All 1st Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Level 100
1. Boomerang Stab (MAX)
2. Assassinate (MAX)
3. Shadower Instinct (MAX)
4. Dagger Expert (MAX)
5. Toxic Venom (MAX)
6. Smokescreen (MAX)
7. Prime Critical (MAX)
8. Shadow Shifter (MAX)
9. Sudden Raid (MAX)

Shadower Hyper Skills

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (37) Shadow Veil
Required Level: 170
Summon a dark ally to continously attack the surrounding area.
Level 1: MP Cost: 226, Cooldown: 30s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 10, Skill DMG: 300%, Duration: 10s

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (38) Flip of the Coin
Required Level: 150
Can be used within 5 seconds after a Crit ATK. Can be stacked up to 5 times. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 200, Cooldown: 5s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 60s, PHY ATK Increase: 3%, Crit DMG: 2%

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (39) Epic Adventure
Required Level: 200
An exclusive buff for legendary Explorers who have traveled to all corners of Maple World. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 265, Cooldown: 300s, Target: Party/Explorer, Buff Duration: 180s, Crit DMG: 30%

Meso Explosion – Reinforce
Required Level: 141
Meso Explosion Final Damage +20%

Meso Explosion – Crit DMG
Required Level: 141
Meso Explosion Crit DMG +20%

Meso Explosion – Enhance
Required Level: 141
Dagger Mesos Creation Chance +30%

Boomerang Stab – Reinforce
Required Level: 141
Boomerang Stab Final Damage +20%

Boomerang Stab – Spread
Required Level: 141
Boomerang Stab Target Count is set to 8

Boomerang Stab – Extra Strike
Required Level: 141
Boomerang Stab Hit Count +1

Assassinate – Reinforce
Required Level: 141
Assassinate Final Damage +20%

Assassinate – Boss Rush
Required Level: 141
Assassinate Boss ATK +20%

Assassinate – Critical Damage
Required Level: 141
Assassinate Crit DMG +20%

Shadower Hyper Skill Build Guide:
1. Assassinate – Reinforce
2. Assassinate – Boss Rush
3. Assassinate – Critical Damage
4. Boomerang Stab – Reinforce
5. Boomerang Stab – Extra Strike
6. Flip of the Coin
7. Shadow Veil
8. Epic Adventure

MapleStory M Shadower Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.